08 March 2011


Have you ever heard of Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children? I occasionally have seen the link to their website on one of the yahoo boards that I participate in. In early February, I decided to check it out for myself. You can do the same at http://www.fovc.org/.

What initially had my interest in FOVC was that they are in the Wolayta region of Ethiopia and Judah was born in Wolayta. Then as I read through their website, everything I read grabbed my interest:
  1. Building an Orphanage
  2. Raising money for new wells to be drilled
  3. Grassroots organization
  4. Working to provide hope for widows in several areas: livestock project, handicrafts project, and a crops projects.
  5. Their projects are self-sustaining - the widows receive loans that are paid back so that the money can be loaned to other women.

In early February I read Lory Howlett's blog and left a comment. Recently I read even more on the website and decided to email Lory. I couldn't stand idolly by. Over the last week, both Ryan and I seem to have found a good fit with FOVC.

... to be continued

If you haven't already done so, please take a peek at their website before my next post http://www.fovc.org/

1 comment:

Friends of Orphans and said...

Oh yeah!!!! (If I could type in a great big font right now, I would!!!!!!)