02 March 2009

Thanks for Sharing!

I love it when friends share pictures with me, especially when they're of my kiddos. Both of these pictures are precious in my mind. The first one to the right here is of Bethany and her buddy Steven drinking their juice at the Awana Grand Prix. Bethany adores Steven and gets so excited and yells his name when she sees him. Steven is so sweet with her too. The second picture is actually from Christmas time. It was taken at the Christmas Potluck for International students. Our dear friend Melody joined us for a picture. What I love about this picture is that Melody and Bethany are holding hands. She is such a sweet girl and she loves my kiddos too. According to Ryan, Mongolian women typically are very loving to children. Melody definitely falls into this stereotype. We love having her around our family.


Amy said...

I love Bethany's cheesy smile!

Ashley said...

The picture with Melody is SUCH a good one!!