24 April 2007


Preface: I am NOT the old-style "barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen" house wife. I don't wait on my husband all the time. I don't prepare all the meals. When I do prepare meals, they're generally pretty basic. I also no longer work out 3 days a week or get enough exercise. I spend my days at the office and my evenings chasing a little one. With that said, this is an interesting read:

I totally felt like a little housewife last night. After work, I went for a 30-minute walk with the little guy and then home to make supper. Ryan was outside shoveling dirt and when I had supper ready I yelled at him to come in. I somehow even managed to make two meals last night without burning anything, melting anything or any other major catastrophes! Anyway, after I yelled at Ryan out the door, Scott proceeded to stand in the doorway and yell at Ryan to come in for supper just like his mommy had done. It was too cute. Ryan came in for a quick meal where we actually sat at the table together to eat. It was unusual. Then the phone rang and the two Ryans chatted. I felt no obligation to stay at the table so I got up and cleaned up from supper. Okay, let me just say that I'm not so good at keeping up with dishes sometimes but I've been on a role lately. My kitchen has been clean for over a week now. My laundry has been kept up and the living areas aren't too bad either. By time I was done in the kitchen, I headed upstairs with a load of laundry which my husband even helped to put away. Finally, I headed to bed - swollen legs and all. I couldn't believe I'd been on my feet from 5-9 last night. I was dying by time I crawled in bed! And this morning, my legs still ache and my knee (the one I had surgery on in college) is in pain. Oh, this was supposed to be a fun day at work, one where I could spend a good amount of time out of the office and in the field but now I'm not so sure. I guess my pregnant and lazy body just can't go-go-go like I used to when I was 20!


Anonymous said...

Wait until you are 32 years old and work 40 plus hours a week and chase after a little one. Then proceed to come home and prepare something edible, clean, put the baby to bed, try to relax and fall asleep on the couch before 9:30 pm.
Your a great woman, but believe me it doesn't get any easier, just more routine. But we obviously do it for a reason and it is because we love the men in our lives.

Ashley said...

you rock!