05 April 2007

Glucose Test Update

I passed with flying colors yesterday. The tech (a lady I also attend church with) was the lucky one who got to deal with me. I had only failed the original glucose challenge by one point which I consider to be good after all the sweets I ate that day.

I was a bit nervous Wednesday morning realizing that I'd not eaten much or anything healthy the night before because of a work meeting. At 6pm I had a milk shake and fries on the way to a meeting. At 9pm I had an apple on the way home. I was afraid that I would be starving. And I was when I woke up but I got up right away and got moving around and forgot all about it. Thanks to a piece of sugar-free gum, I was entertained all morning. Of course, right after the glucose drink, I felt an emptiness in my tummy but it went away with the gum. In fact, when I was done, I didn't go straight to food. I wasn't even hungry until I had some water and then it was like my body realized my tummy was empty. I even stopped at the vet clinic to see my hubby for a few minutes before I stopped at moms to eat. And even then, I played with my kiddo for a bit before I grabbed a slice of pizza and a handful of grapes.

Thankfully, my tests were normal and I can continue to eat whatever - except I might consider having one maple bar instead of two! Just another little bump in this pregnancy road that God quickly ironed out before it became a pothole!


Fantastagirl said...

I'm glad all is well, was thinking of you and hoping that it would all be okay!

Amy said...

Glad to hear the good news. It's nice to have a stress-free pregnancy. Enjoy your milkshake and fries!

Jody said...

Yea! I remember seeing women coming in to the OB with gallon jugs of urine. I guess they had to save urine to be tested every day. UGH! So glad you don't have to do that!