09 January 2006


My kid has decided that he doesn't want to sleep at night anymore. Not a huge surprise since he didn't get his naps and was up till about 11pm most nights we were in CA. I had Ryan movie a single bed into Scott's room since Thursday and Friday were sleepless nights too. Here's a run down of our Saturday night:

9pm - watching a movie in bed. Scott was happy in his swing
1030 - movie is almost over. Scott gets fussy. He lays in bed with us. I feed him, he is HYPER.
11 - Take Scott to his room. Turn off the monitor so at least one of us can get sleep.
1130 ish - Scott falls asleep.
midnight - Scott is awake and crying. Has to have a pacifier in his mouth.
130 - Finally falls back asleep
330 - Scott is awake again
415 - I take him out of his crib, feed him and snuggle him in the not-so-comfy twin bed.
430 - Scott is asleep
530 - Scott is half asleep/awake and fussy
6 - Ryan gets up to go to the bathroom. I ask him to trade me places so I could sleep
6-9 - who knows what my kid did during that time. Too tired to remember what Ryan told me. I slept.
9 - Ryan wakes me like I asked him to do so we could get to church
901 - I'm out!
944 - I wake up, church starts at 930.

This is one of 4 nights lately. Last night was better but still not good. Ryan and I switched off. I went to bed at 8pm and Ryan dealt with him till midnight. Ryan went to bed and I dealt with Scott. At 4, I was able to put himself in bed and he eventually quit fussing and went to sleep. This was the first time he put himself to sleep in his own bed in the last 4 days. I'm hopeful that we're progressing. Schedules for babies are more important than I realized :)


momma of 2 said...

Once you get back on schedule life will be good... don't let him take too long of a nap during the day... it's hard - but sleeping at night is important for you!

Ashley said...

wow...crazy!!! i hope this gets better soon...

Anonymous said...

I remember those days....as teens they still don't want to sleep :-)

Maybe you should have his ears checked for an ear infection, cause they don't want to lay down with infections. Hurts their poor little ears :-(
Or perhaps he is starting to teeth?

It was great visiting with you. Thanks for taking time, and yes
grandpa DID ask Will if he was gay!!

Love you