I recall having a conversation recently with someone who was talking about how everything was breaking recently. I was so thankful that even though we were facing a $500 repair on our van, not everything was breaking. So much for that thought. For some reason our jimmy-rigged sink decided to leak like a mad-man. Seriously, yesterday it was a bit of a problem and I suggested to my husband that we call a plumber. Today, towards the end of the day, it was no longer something that we could put a little band-aid over. We seriously need to get this fixed. For the second day in a row I’ve emptied the contents hiding below my sink and cleaned up the soaked wood. Now, we have a big problem, every bit of water that went down the sink came out where it shouldn’t have.
(my little princess is waiting for the worms to throw...)
(Like father like son!)
So with a sink and counter full of dishes, I couldn’t even begin to clean it up. Frustrated, and almost disgusted at leaving the filth on the counter, I put the beans in the freezer, emptied the bucket under the sink, grabbed my toothbrush and began my nightly routine. Here I sit in my bed typing on the keys knowing that not only did my kitchen not get cleaned and things put back in order, but I allowed my frustration also prevent me from folding the two loads of laundry sitting in my living room. It’s been a long day, I have lots of apple sauce to feed my growing brood, and my feet are super happy that I’m no longer standing!(Grandpa's 1st time making applesauce... bonus was grandbabies helped him)
*** Added to say that my thoughtful in-laws just called. With the recent downpour of rain (which held off while the guys were out cutting and cooking the remainder of the apples), my in-laws plans for tomorrow were rained out. They called to offer to come down to fix the sink and then to freeze the 80 or so cups of apple sauce that were put in the fridge. With a short and busy week ahead, I’m super thankful that M&E will lighten the load on our shoulders.
1 comment:
Hooray for your in-laws! I'm so thankful for mine, too! Rescued me from a leaking toilet at 6am on Sunday morning while Brian was out of town. God is good! So jealous of all your applesauce!!! Not apple season down here yet...
Oh, and I took a hard tumble running yesterday. Sprained my ankle, bruised my shoulder, and scraped myself up. Isn't running supposed to be a non-contact sport?!?
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