17 June 2009

Live Like That

Last night during the intro of our Vacation Bible School with the Boomerang Express located Down Under, there was a short video clip located in and around the harbor in Sydney. While I was thoroughly enjoying the views, the question came to mind if I could live there and still live like Jesus. I've been thinking a lot recently about living more like Jesus and was glad that it came to mind without my direct persuasion. Could I live in a big city, a beautiful city, and still live like Jesus? I entertained that thought for a few moments when I concluded that I didn't think so.

Random thought, I know.

A short while later, we had finished the intro and our bible study time before moving to our music and missions time. Each night during the missions time, they focus on a missionary around the world. Last night's focus was a missionary here in the states, working in Wyoming or Montana. The missionary had moved there to start a church. But because it was so rural and people had chores to do plus a long drive to town, they didn't attend church. This guy started Cowboy Church. No dressing up. Boots and jeans. Sometimes clean, sometimes straight from chores. Nothing fancy. Just every day people with the same goal in mind meeting together. As I watched the brief video, the same thought as earlier occurred to me. Without even having to think about it, I could answer my own question.

I could certainly live like that!

Funny how those thoughts occur and how those things happen. It's been so good to see how God has been working in my life. To see how I happen to cross paths with the perfect people, how I happen, to read a certain book of the bible, and how it all happens to be bringing me closer to God. Thank you Lord for happening to have Your hand in those situations.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

"To see how I happen to cross paths with the perfect people, how I happen, to read a certain book of the bible, and how it all happens to be bringing me closer to God. Thank you Lord for happening to have Your hand in those situations."

AMEN, sister!!!