26 March 2008

What a Day!

I'm pasting an excerpt of an email to my friend Cori. After she made mention of her day, I thought I'd share a little of mine:

if you're having a rough day, just be glad that you weren't in the bathroom pumping, not at all paying attention, but rather, reading the book the land that was everything when all of a sudden, I felt wetness on my leg. Immediately, I moved the bottle to the side then looked down to see the damage. Only two drops of home brewed milk on my slacks. But it continued to spew over as I quickly unplugged one of the lines (think dairy cow milking set up) but there was still a little suction to the full bottle. There was a tiny little puddle of stuff (which seemed huge at the time) on the floor when I got it stopped. Bummer, I didn't get through the epilogue before the drama. Got it all cleaned up and went to put the milk in the fridge. Helped Sheri clean out the fridge quick as it smelled like something nasty. While doing that, my boss hunted me down because we needed to leave for a meeting. Yeah, that was after I already got "the look" earlier for chatting with Connie. The good part, the drops weren't obvious when I walked into my meeting!


Me said...

Tiny little memories come falling back into my brain of just how nice it is that my babies are all growed up. :)

Fantastagirl said...

Oh, it gets better!

Amy said...

Ah yes, the days of breast milk dripping all over the place. Nope, can't say that I miss that part of it. I do miss nursing my babies, such an amazing experience!

Ashley said...

Oh noooo!! Glad you were able to handle it well!!