20 February 2009

Fruit Pizza

Fruit pizza is so not healthy but so yummy.  I'd never heard of it until I moved to NE Iowa but its definitely one of my favorites.


The crust is made of sugar cookie, the sauce is a mixture of cream cheese and sugar with a hint of vanilla.  Topped with fresh fruits.  It's so simple to make, looks divine and hits the spot although I've learned that one piece is never quite enough.



Crust: 1 big or 2 small tubes of sugar cookie dough. (The cheap brands will work but the Pillsbury brand is easier to spread.)

Sauce: 8oz. cream cheese softened, 1/2 c. sugar, 1/4 t. vanilla

Topping: fresh fruit (ie: basket of strawberries, handful of grapes, blueberries)


Instructions for Fruit Pizza

Take sugar cookie dough and flatten in out covering a bar pan (aka cookie sheet with edges).  Bake according to the instructions on cookie dough wrapper.  Let cool.  Mix sauce ingredients with blender.  Spread on top of cooled pan of cookie.  Cut and set fresh fruit on top.  Voila!


*note: I am NOT a chef or person who cooks all the time, as you can tell by my vocabulary of kitchen items :)

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jerelyn said...

Sounds yummy! I might try it with peaches...Mmmm.

Ashley said...

Is this like strawberry pizza? Ugh, that stuff is so dangerous when it is strawberry seasons. This sounds delicious - I am going to attempt it!