25 June 2008

Teeth, Finally

Tomorrow my sweet little baby will be one year old. And last week that poor child still didn't have any teeth. You could tell they existed underneath her gums by the shape of her gums but none had poked through. That didn't stop my little girl from eating though. She never was really a fan of baby food and has to eat what you eat. But these days she chews up chicken, veggies and other foods without any teeth. That's my girl. Last weekend, two little teeth poked through the skin. Its funny to see. Scott got his two front top teeth first. Bethany is getting her two front bottom teeth first. It's about time!


Amy said...

Kaitlyn only had her two bottom teeth when she turned one! The boys had a mouth full!

Kristine said...

Happy birthday, Bethany!!! Aw, sweet sweet memories :) My kids' birthdays always tug at my heart!

Ashley said...

How funny that she is such a little eater and w/o teeth!! That's my kind of girl!!