12 June 2008

Mommy Stays Home for a Day

It's been a whirlwind of a week with lots of regularly scheduled items as well as the emergency type stuff. Late Tuesday afternoon I got an email from my mom asking if I could find any one else to keep the kids. So, on the way to Wisconsin that night I made a few phone calls and had no luck. Wednesday morning I decided I would stay home with the kids. Now, I know mom would have taken them but I also knew she wanted to quilt with my aunt. Because of all the other things going on around here, it was the perfect time to stay home with them.

We ate breakfast together, rather than having a snack in the car and Scott eating at moms. We played with blocks, trains and other toys together too. I even made a meal for lunch and Ryan came home to eat with us. Scott, who usually likes to help out around the house, opted to play while I cleaned the main floor. We had fun playing together, eating together and just being home. While the kids napped, I made sure to not vacuum but spent that time putting away several loads of laundry. I think I made good use of my time at home and even managed to hang out on the couch to watch a little of the noon news before Scott woke up and Ryan called.

In the late afternoon I even managed to have supper ready. Not quite on the table when Ryan got home but close. Now, I kind of cheated because both meals were part way prepared in advance. The chicken corn soup (I don't know the actual name of the recipe) was in the refrigerator waiting to be heated up and milk to be added. And for supper, Ryan had prepared the poppy seed cheese sauce and the meat mixture ahead of time too. All I had to do was thaw it, cook up some tortellini, spread some cheese across the top and toss it in the oven for a while. Regardless, that was two meals prepared, 3 if you count Scott's cereal, a house cleaned and kids attended to. Whew, did that feel good.

The best part about all of that was I had energy left to give my family after we finished supper. Ryan wasn't feeling great so I took both of the kids outside to play. I put Bethany in the baby swing and Scott played in the fort. I pulled a few weeds and played on the fort with the kids. Yes, I even went down the slide holding Bethany like a 3 year old child. We pulled weeds, picked up sticks from the lawn and chased each other around. Scott and I even managed to find 3 robin eggs which we promptly took care of and watched for a while. It was a bit windy but otherwise a great night to enjoy the outdoors. After an hour outside we headed in. Scott and I went upstairs and bathed him quick, I fed Bethany and put her to bed and then snuggled on the couch with Scott for a few minutes before putting him to bed. And once the house was quiet, Ryan and I sat and watched the news together for a few minutes before I fell asleep on the couch.

It seems like yesterday was a busy day even though I would have loved to clean my bathroom, visit a friend and her new baby and scrap book. By the end of the day my feet hurt and my back ached but it was so nice to have energy. Just goes to prove that some days my job sucks all the energy I have and its not even physical labor!


Fantastagirl said...

I miss my days of part-time work - I don't miss not having the income, but I miss the time with Tink, walking to the school to get Pan, etc. I'm glad you had an awesome day with the kids!

Ashley said...

Wow, it sounds like a full and wonderful day. I bet the kids loved it too!!