06 February 2006

10 years ago

[in memory of Scott Redfern]

It was 10 years ago today that Scott died. The day before he'd been working away (with a smile on his face I'm sure) on a lathe in woodshop class. His tool got stuck, broke apart the table leg and hit him in the face. He was air lifted out of the school where he remained without brain activity until the doctors harvested his organs for use in other people.

I can still remember it like yesterday. And 10 years later, it still brings tears to my eyes. He was such a wonderful person. Scott shared with me what it meant to have a personal relationship with Christ. His influence in my life didn't end when he died. It's amazing how that works - how the death of a friend can be so devastating yet so encouraging. I miss my buddy and my heart aches for his parents and his sister.

10 years, my how time passes.


Anonymous said...

*sigh* My heart goes to Scott and his family.

Ashley said...

wow...has it really been that long? guess so. that's crazy. what a wonderful legacy he left.

Anonymous said...

Ten years! We, too, remember as if it were yesterday, As we remember, we groan for what is yet to come - a glorious reunion because of our precious Lord's death!

It is not time that heals wounds, but what you do with your time that can bring transformation. We look for how this loss has transformed lives for the Kingdom. You truly were one who was transformed, Tammy, in everyway, as you made the choice to live your life for Christ. Scott would be so proud of you! We know we are!!! Love to you, Ryan, and Baby Scott-R.