11 January 2012

Giving Up

Some weeks ago I decided to give up a few different things in my life to simplify it. Have you ever given up something during Lent? I know it's not the season of lent but I felt like there was so much distracting me from what I wanted to be a priority. I felt like I was spending more time looking in the mirror at my physical self than my spiritual and emotional self. Who cares how good my make-up, etc looks if I'm grumpy, hateful, easily angered, and lacking patience?
So, the first thing I did was give up putting on make-up. When I made the decision, it wasn't like I did it with a plan of a certain time frame. It just worked out that morning, and the next, and the next. And now it's been over a month or so and I haven't worn make-up.
Then recently I saw some hair-do's on pinterest and thought my hair naturally looks like some of those. So, I thought I'd try that. Well, I must say, I don't have the cute-ness of the pinterest hair-do's I saw, but it takes me 1 minute to scrunch gel in my hair instead of blow drying it. Which gives me more time to spend some time reading the bible, putting away a few dishes, and things like that that I value. It's going well. Not the vanity part, but the focusing on the right things part.
If you see me in public any time soon and I'm not looking so hot, please say a prayer for my crazy hair and the visible bags under my eyes knowing that at least I'm getting a few other things taken care of in my personal life.
p.s. I'll save the embarrassment of posting a picture of my vanity-free face and hair :)

1 comment:

Lena said...

i like the way you're thinkin'!