20 May 2009

Scott's Fishing + a random update

Last night Scott's Papa and Grammy took him fishing in the pond. Each picture below is of a different fish he caught. He called when they were done fishing and told his daddy that he caught a bunch of fish, big ones! He then told Ryan that "we threw them back in cause they were just bass". That kid is too smart. I thought he should have kept them based on their size but I have since learned that bass aren't good to eat.

And in case I've not shared about my little fisherman in the past, I'll do that quickly. In the pictures, you'll see Scott's real pole. He has his practice pole too. His practice one is a little pole with a rubber fish tied to the end. When we get a decent rain, mom gets little puddles in the alley near her driveway. Scott stands in the driveway and casts into his fishing puddles. He'll stand there for quite some time practicing. Apparently his practice has paid off.

I wanted to share an update yesterday but seriously feel like I don't have anything blog worthy since I'm spending way too much time auditing contracts in another field office. I thought of a few things though:
  • Yesterday I had lunch with the state office reviewers (they were auditing my audits), the boss here, and the other auditor. At one point I dripped a bit of salsa on my chest and wiped it off. Almost 5 hours later I saw in the mirror that in fact I had not wiped it off and there was a faint line just over my breast bone. Maybe it was faint enough that it looked like a scar or was hidden by my shirt. Most likely though, it was a good laugh for my counterparts the rest of the day.
  • On my way to work out yesterday morning I was speeding which isn't normal for me. But I'd forgotten the keys to the ghetto gym and had to go back so I was in a hurry. The nice officer was clocking me for sure but let me go. Apparently he was being generous with my 5 miles over the limit. Thank you kind sir!
  • The bugs that ate our 200' long shrub row last year did quite a number on it. It's dead for the most part. I've been trimming it to the ground. It's tedious work and I'm losing my little windbreak for the driveway. Anyone have a bunch of shrubs handy that they'd like to see someone plant. I'd gladly take them.
  • We meet with Kathy tomorrow night. She'll be doing our homestudy for our adoption.
  • Mexico City planning and fundraising is going well. Thanks to those who have supported me. I would love to hear from more of you, especially to know if you are praying for me.

Okay, that's it for now...

1 comment:

Ashley said...

He looks like such a happy boy in those pictures!!