14 November 2007

Thanksgiving Kids Craft

Okay, I'm looking for a simple kid craft for Scott (28 months old) to do for Thanksgiving. I've seen a few things online but now I'm hoping you can share a great idea or link with me. I want him to have a little something to do and at the same time remember that Thanksgiving is more than turkey, its about the Europeans who sailed over on a boat for religious freedoms.

Please, please share any ideas you might have.

the non-creative mommy


Fantastagirl said...

I'm not creative at all - and I can't think of anything that the kids have done beyond making hats out of construction paper... and tracing their hands to make turkeys... Sorry

Hope everyone is feeling better!

Jody said...

Check the Family Fun website. They have some great stuff.

There is always hand tracing and making it into a turkey. :)

Or creating a centerpiece of leaves and twigs... a few rocks...

Ashley said...

What did you come up with?