16 June 2005

What a week this has been. As of last Friday I started working 5 hour days instead of 9. It’s been so nice. Some extra time away from the office has been helpful in catching up on the list of things to do at home. Its also been good for my aching back and tired eyes. Friday, mom and Ralph joined me on a trip to Waterloo to purchase baby stuff. I bought all kinds of things that we needed and spent lotsa cash.

Because I know that I have some more time each day to get things done, I didn’t clean like a crazy woman on Saturday. Instead I piddled around planting flowers and transplanting plants in hopes of making my north porch look cute. Saturday night was Living Stone – a contemporary worship service at our church. As usual, we headed to the Rich’s home where everyone gathers and hangs out till all hours of the night. That night the Rich’s had to leave so we were the supposed “adults”. Its always amusing to hear the conversations of HS and college students and what they find important. Sometime after 11pm, Ryan was enthralled in conversation about predestination so I got up and went to curl up in the la-z-boy and fell asleep. Ryan woke me up to leave and then we stood there and talked for another short while and finally left at 1230. I was so tired by that point. Went home, took care of the puppy and went to bed.

Sunday after church, our small groups all gathered together to further discuss changing the church covenant. What a task at hand! The deacons, pastor and his wife have taken on such a big task where someone will be hurt, mad or offended. That night made for some interesting discussions and I’m curious to see how things will change in the near future. The change is needed but always difficult to accept by some – aren’t we all that way at times.

Monday was back to the office for a short day. I went home and fell asleep on the couch. Woke up in time to watch Oprah and was irritated when the TV was plastered with the Michael Jackson trial instead of what I wanted to see. That evening I cleaned house some, paid bills and laid in the hammock with Ryan as we watched our dogs play around us. Tuesday (another short day at work – woo hoo!) I stopped to visit my folks for about an hour then went home and Renessa came over for a little while. When she left, I made stromboli for Ryan and my parents for supper. Yesterday when I did finally leave work, I headed for the dreaded Wally world to make some final purchases for the baby, although we still don’t have the carseat purchased yet. Wondered around the baby department trying to figure things out. Got home in time to put away groceries and get a few things picked up before Ryan and Renessa came out for supper. We planned to go see Monster-in-law on the big screen but I had forgotten that there’s no way I can sit through a movie these days. The Z’s ended up coming over and the guys played with the potato gun while they grilled a pork tenderloin and potatoes. After supper the guys played x-box while Renessa and I chatted. It was fun to watch the expression on their faces as they were so into the game they were playing.

Another busy day today. Lots to do at the office before I can go home early. Can you tell that I like working shorter days?


Jennifer said...

I was wondering if you church had a baby nursery? I have been struggling with this with my church.

Now that Colby Grace is bigger She babbles and talks during the service and our church is so small that there is no one there at the 8am service. I love the early service and wouldn't dare change, but boy is she getting loud. When the call out "our father" she shout out Da Da!

Boy the grow fast! Won't be long now before you know just what I am talking about

Kristin said...

I'd like to hear more about what you are all going through to change your church covenant. My small group is going through the same process - just on a much smaller scale. I can't believe baby boy Buitenwerf is almost here!!!!

Chris, Renae & Annie said...

I'd like to hear more about the changing of the church covenant too. My church is starting to go through that but on a huge scale! The church was not set up according to Biblical standards - we basically operate as a committee - no deacons or elders - and we're in the beginning stages of gathering those passionate about changes. We could sure use prayer!

Cannot wait to meet Baby B! Final name choices?

Ashley said...

you are one busy lady - even if you are working fewer hours!