27 June 2005

Am I a whiner???

yesterday was good preparation. those things called "braxton hix" really aren't fun at all. i had contractions ALL day yesterday and tried to ignore them but at times they'd cause me to double over for a bit. they're alot like menstrual cramps for those who can relate. i tried to be a trooper and worked finishing up the nursery and piddling around upstairs. ryan and i made muddy buddies (aka puppy chow) and headed for the church picnic. i drove seperately knowing that i wouldn't want to socialize much. and i was right, the pain got worse. finally an hour later i pulled ryan aside and we called the hospital. not knowing what to expect and not sure if i needed to go to the hospital, i chatted with the OB nurse. she asked a few questions and encouraged me to go home and take a warm bath to see if that would help. if not, then i should get to the hospital.

by time i got off the phone, things were starting to slow down so i didn't hurry home. by time i got home and got the tub filled up, lots of time had passed. so i took a bath and soaked for a bit before crawling in bed. mom came over to stay with me while my honey played some softball. (no, he's not a bad husband, he offerred to go home with me and i told him to stay). i was a bit bummed that things didn't continue to progress since it was mom and ralph's anniversary, the birth of a grandbaby would've been a great gift. but, no such luck. we'll have to wait a few more days, experience some more nasty "preparation" contractions before we get to see the end result.

today, i stayed home during the morning while it was cooler and worked on 5 loads of laundry plus cleaning our closet since we moved some furniture out of there into the nursery. just a few more days... keep praying!


Victoria said...

Ohhh Tamara!
You poor soul, you are so close and yet so far away from having the little one. Make sure you post lots of pics or at least have Ryan do this, since I can't wait to see the little one.

Jennifer said...

Wow, it really is any day now! You are not a whiner! The last days of pregnancy is horrible! But soon you will be holding that little boy and won't even remember those silly contractions and cramps!

Kristin said...
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Kristin said...

Tammy - you and Ryan are SO in my prayers! I suspect Baby Boy Buitenwerf will have enough stories to have his own Baby Boy Buitenwerf Blog, with mommy and daddy's help of course ;) I'm checking everyday, just like you are! :)

Mandy said...

Sounds like your nesting!!!
Remember, God created your body to do this. When you're holding him next week, you won't even remember the Braxton Hix, let alone the labor itself! We're praying for you! Sending lots of love!

Carrie said...

Oh wow, very soon now! Keep relaxing. Many blessings.

Ryan & Julie said...

Your pregnant! You are automatically given the "free to whine when you want" card.

I'm sorry you are in so much pain, just think, it will all be worth it very soon when you welcome this wonderful bundle of joy into your home. Good luck, I'll be thinking about you.