20 April 2005

My how time flies when you’re having fun (or when you’re swamped at work). We’re in the process of signing farmers up for a new program – very detailed and lots of shuffling papers. The hours pass pretty fast when I’m at the office. It is such a work load that I could easily work 10 hour days without blinking. And normally I would but this pregnancy thing takes lots of my energy, good moods, etc. So, I’ve been working 8.5 to 9 hour days to earn a little credit leave – which I’ll definitely need when the baby comes. I’ll have less than 8 weeks of sick and vacation time when July rolls around so I’m really wanting and needing to earn some spare hours. This new Conservation Security Program has been a great way to earn those hours. Anyway, today I took a little break. A bit jealous that Ryan was going out with some friends and some cattle guy for supper tonight, I decided that us wives should get together for lunch. Last minute, I called Jen for lunch since she’s still home on maternity leave. Picked up some lunch at the Keystone and went to Jen’s. We grubbed and then I held Daniel (almost 7 weeks now) and chatted with Jen. It was a well needed rest time just hanging out and fortunately I pre-warned my boss so the 1.5 hour lunch was no big deal to me. I’m thinking I’ll be working some Thursday evenings (when Ryan is at bible study) and some Saturday mornings to pick up extra hours.

On to other B news. Ryan was gone this weekend to a Men’s retreat and I stayed home solo. Usually it unnerves me to be out in the country, in an old scary house all by myself. And what’s worse is coming home to that dark monstrous place on the hill. But I survived. Yup, I didn’t have to stay at my mommy’s! Usually locking the door scares me more than anything b/c that’s acknowledging the fear. My door remained unlocked Friday night but I did have a minor fright. Went to bed and saw this light flickering and reflecting off my bedroom wall. Took me a second to figure out what it was. But I realized it was the burn pile I started outside earlier that evening – and it was still burning. It was 930pm, definitely dark. I crawled back in bed and said a quick prayer. Just told the Lord that I was going to trust Him to take care of the fire, keep it under control and that I would get a good night sleep. See, if I would’ve gone outside to check the fire, I would’ve been a big ol scaredy cat the rest of the night. So, I rolled over and went to sleep. Didn’t even think about it till mid morning on Saturday. Went out to check the fire and God had perfect control. Where the wood slats (from our remodeling) stuck 3 feet over the edge of the burn pile into the grass, they didn’t burn. I’m serious, they burned right up beyond the edge of the burn pit and stopped. The wood quit burning! How awesome is that!!!

It was a weekend of no TV. And I’m so thankful to Ryan for following through with that even though he loves TV and really wanted to watch the Cardinals. TV really takes away from our relationship but my husband doesn’t see that. Sunday afternoon though, instead of lounging in front of the big screen (big for us), we cuddled, chatted about our weekends, tossed a baseball out in the yard, piddled around together and then snuggled up in bed reading a book before I fell asleep. It was so nice! Yay for me and putting my foot down on the TV issue. Ryan has had the last two days off to work around the house. He’s been working on the trim upstairs (from the project we started pre-wedding). I’m so thankful for his hard work there too.

Just a couple of prayer requests to share:- Katie’s mom is battling cancer again which is draining for everyone in the family. Pray that God continues to heal her as she starts chemo yet again.
- Pregnant ladies – I know of several lately that have had minor to major problems with their prego’s. And, I know after 7 months that you become quite attached to those little boogars inside your belly. Pray for health of babies.
- I’m wanting to start a young mom’s group in the area. So, if you can be praying for the culmination of that – times to work out for mom’s and older/wiser women who are willing to watch babies/kids.
- Thanks for those who’ve been praying for me to feel good. Of the last 9 days, I had 1.5 that I didn’t feel good. That darn iron problem. The pregnancy is so much easier when you feel half decent.

Okay, gotta go take care of JV kids…


Mandy said...

You might want to look into MOPS. WWW.mops.org
I feel your pain RE: TV. Don't work too hard. You are in our prayers.

Kristin said...

I'm always amazed at how much you manage to accomplish in any given day - and how many lives you touch. And with your little one soon to be born, I'm sure you will find many new ways to minister and fellowship and make a difference in others lives. Love ya!