19 January 2013

Seeing Lots of Improvement

I shared with you about my long-lasting struggle with the rash and other skin issues.  It's hard for me to complain when I know it could be so much worse.  It's also hard for me to complain when I'd been reading a book this fall where I was reminded that the words/attitude that leave my mouth are a reflection of my heart, not my cicumstances.  Ouch.  It was a good book and I'd like to review it.  The book by Paul David Tripp is called War of Words.  Eventually though, when I got desperate and my skin issues were peaking at their worst (or so I thought), I decided to share.

Unfortunately, it did get worse.  But eventually it got better too.

Isn't that how life works.  While I don't want to be on an emotional rollercoaster, the fact is that our life sometimes has ups and downs.  For those of us who've chosen to follow the resurrected Christ, we have to take the bad with the good.  When it becomes good, let us shout it from the roof tops!

Well friends, I'm here to tell you and show you that it's finally getting better!
After visiting the dermatologist on Monday, things continued to get worse.  On Tuesday, the allergist had me send him pictures of my skin.  That evening I had Doxipen to my drug regimen.  By Wednesday afternoon, my skin was starting to calm down.  By Thursday, there were a few of the "hot spots" that were still showing up.  The above picture was taken Thursday.  The rest of my skin had the underlying red.  By Friday, I was seeing enough improvement that I was sure that I'd be able to wear my wedding ring to church on Sunday.  I still have some of the itching and some of the rash but the fine rash that covered my whole body is GONE.

I'm still fighting some funkiness with this head cold and I'm beginning to wonder if it's my maxillary sinus that's still inflamed, infected or if I have something wrong with my teeth.  Good thing I know the dentist!

Doing the Ethiopian happy dance here in Northeast Iowa!!!

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