08 February 2007

Diapers, Cold Temps and Late for Work

This has been an interesting week. February 6th marked 11 years since my dear friend, Scott, died after a woodshop injury when we were sophomores in high school. The first part of February is usually busy but my heart is typically quieted around this time.
This year I was home with my sick kid who has croup. I was so busy caring for and chasing after him that I never even realized the date until it had past. It was the second day I stayed home with the kiddo and although I greatly needed my own rest, I knew that I also needed to get things done since I was actually home. Thanks to mom who came over again to help out. She was great and helped deep clean the kitchen counters, stove, etc. It was fantastic!

I was up at 1am with small fry last night. He was coughing constantly so I got up to put some Vix on his chest and snuggle him back under the covers. Only, the wise mom that I am, I also decided to change his diaper since he was awake. Little did I know that as soon as I pulled the diaper away, he started to pee. I tried to cover him back up but he managed to get a few drops on his onesie. I was tempted to be a bad mom (who isn't at 1am) and finish the diaper change and put him back in bed since it was just a few drops. Instead, I removed his pj's and changed his onesie. The whole time he's whining "night-night, mommy, night-night". Poor kid.

Fresh morning
After only being awake once during the night and not having any coughing episodes myself, I was quite refreshed this morning. The kiddo was awake at 620am (eventually he'll realize that sleeping in is a good thing, right?). I showered quick and headed outside to feed the animals in the frigid morning air. Poor William Edward Goat was shaking and cold. I felt bad for him and through an extra flake of hay in his Goat-house.

Late for Work
As usual, I was going to be about 15 minutes late to work (they might as well change my work schedule). But this morning I was glad to be late. At 8am my cell phone rang. I assumed it was mom and was quite surprised to hear Nick's voice. Nick is a long lost but precious friend of mine from "back home". I graduated college and moved to Iowa at the same time he was assigned to his first duty location as a police officer for the US Navy. We remained friends after going our seperate ways but it had been 2 years (so we estimate) since we've talked. We had a short conversation which allowed us to catch up on each others lives which was great. He's been back from Iraq (thank you for volunteering so a guy with a family could stay home) for 4 months and still stationed in Hawaii at Pearl Harbor (must be rough). It was a great chat and was definitely worth being late for work!


Fantastagirl said...

Those long nights will get the best of you - make sure you get some rest too!

Anonymous said...

Our high this week has averaged 75. Are you jealous???

Pffttttt ;-p

Me said...

Goat? You have a goat?! I wanna see pictures!

Ashley said...

Isn't it great to hear from "long lost" friends? I'm so glad you had that wonderful surprise! You are a good friend to many and deserve it!