06 December 2006


Received an email today from a kinda-sorta co-worker out in DC. We work for the same agency which is all over the nation. His email said "do you have a myspace?" What? Why, does he want to know if I have a myspace? Weird.


Chris, Renae & Annie said...

PUH-LEEEZE tell me it is not who I think it is!!! That would SO be like him!

Me said...

I guess MySpace is just huge in some areas. Maybe it's not hit us in the Midwest yet? (although I think a lot of teens use it here) A guy I know was in DC (ironically!) and said that a girl at a bar didn't give him her phone #, she gave him her Myspace page....that's how popular it is!

Me said...

I guess MySpace is just huge in some areas. Maybe it's not hit us in the Midwest yet? (although I think a lot of teens use it here) A guy I know was in DC (ironically!) and said that a girl at a bar didn't give him her phone #, she gave him her Myspace page....that's how popular it is!

Jody said...

My space is huge in the midwest- if you're under 25. I only know one adult with a my space page; he's single and posts bar pics and most of his "friends" are girls. I gotta say that it is creepy.

jerelyn said...

myspace is huge out here on the west coast too...especially for my high school students. they're all pretty impressed when they find out that i have a myspace. lol. but a lot of my 25-35 friends have one...in fact, i've been reunited with a few people from high school because of myspace! it's just a nice way to keep in touch with old friends. but as with most internet things...you have to be careful. there are some weirdos on there too.

Ashley said...

get a myspace! it's not that bad! i actually like it as i have found a lot of old friends on it!