23 April 2004

This morning I was reading Soul Journey online and I thought it was important enough to share. Check it out here. Ya know, we as believers are afraid to share our sins and failures with others. We should help keep our brothers and sisters accountable and instead we judge them. No wonder we have a hard time being vulnerable with friends and family! And for those of our dear friends who aren't walking with the Lord, I struggle with judging them rather than loving them as God would have me do. Its a fine line I know, but its so easy to be hypocritical of someone else's wrongs. And then there are those in leadership or in the public view that we think are perfect. We expect them to be perfect. And when they make a mistake and fall into sin, we practically crucify them. You think The Passion of Christ was brutal, consider how you treat others, the things you think about them and what goes through your mind. Are you any different than the soldiers who pounded the nails? Am I? No, I do that daily in my own heart. And God knows my heart so I'm not hiding anything from Him!

So, consider a few things today...
~ be transparent and vulnerable to others. Be HONEST.
~ Put down the hammer, quit crucifying others.

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