18 March 2004

Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. Philippians 4:7

It is so easy for me to let the worries of tomorrow get in the way of God working in me today. I like to be in control. I plan things out. I’m organized. When I’m not in control, organized or able to plan ahead, I get worried and stressed. How often I forget to come to the thrown of God and give him my worries and burdens. Seems like God knows how stubborn I am because sometimes it takes someone else to give my worries to Him. Of course, I have a perfect example to share:

Part of my job requires me to be mobile – willing to move around the state to gain experience before taking a step up the ladder. I had no problem being mobile, duh I moved to Iowa from sunny California. Well, that was all fine-n-dandy before I met Ryan but now my priorities have changed. Unfortunately, the guy in charge doesn’t care. I have several arguments against this mobility theory.
1. A move is difficult for two income families.
2. I’m not the bread-winner in our house.
3. Some people are willing to live away from their spouses in order to improve their careers, I AM NOT!!!
4. God calls me to be a wife before having a career.
None of that matters at the state level though. I’m expected to move around. When they realize that I’m not applying elsewhere, it is likely that I would be laterally moved to another office without any choice. In such a case, I would choose to leave the government job and find something else. The whole thing concerns me deeply. But I really like the paycheck, vacation time and flexibility. You might see why this bothers me. Who wants to go to work their butt off everyday to know that you will eventually not be employed anymore?

Two weeks ago my boss called me to his office with an idea. He knows that I’m not willing to move and he’s mentioned to several people that he’d like to keep me in this office. His idea just might work. One of our technicians is eligible to retire in December 2005. Dave asked if I would be interested in that position should Dwight retire then. It could work out perfectly if the Lord wants that for me. See, Dwight is a federal employee like me which means I could keep my fed status. Most technicians are state employees. I would no longer have to be mobile either. Halelujah!

I know that I can’t count on this all falling into place but I do know that it is possible. In the meantime I have to really pray for God’s will in my life. Decision making becomes much more involved in a marriage relationship. For now, I hold onto the promise that everything will come together for good because I have a loving God who wants the best for me.

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