11 April 2011

My Girl

I love my girl. She's great. Here's a few things I love about my girl:

  1. 1. When she tells me "you're driving me nuts".

  2. 2. When she asks for privacy in the bathroom, and then calls me in a few moments later to help wipe.

  3. 3. Her auburn-ish, curly-ish hair.

  4. 4. Her beautiful brown eyes that talk while she talks.

  5. 5. Her independent personality aka her desire to dress herself, fold her own clothes and put them away.

  6. 6. The way she shows excitement for simple things like squirrels on the porch, and pre-school registration.

  7. 7. When she tells me she's so excited she can't stop laughing.

  8. 8. That she loves to type her name and has finally learned to spell it.

  9. 9. When she asks us to snuggle her at bed time and when she tells us she's done snuggling by saying "okay mommy, go out now".

  10. The way she has to help with cooking and dishes.

Okay, that last one actually drives me nuts (hmm, maybe that's where she got that phrase) because it takes so much longer when she "helps". Regardless, I love this child and am mostly so thankful that I get to be her momma!


Kristine said...

aww so sweet, she is just so cute!! how fun that she gets to go to preschool!!

deaston56 said...

You should hear Jane scream at the squirrels when they climb up our deck sliding door screen. Makes her even madder when I giggle about it. I think it is cute. I also know Stan Shaffer can fix it. Squirrels are really furry climbing pigs. Great photo.