21 November 2010

More Fun

So Friday at lunch, I complained a little and shared about my bummer of a day. Well, it got worse. Way worse. Remember I commented about building relationships with my farmers. Well, when I found a HUGE financial error in a guys contract, I about puked. Seriously, how did that happen. Well, really I know how. And though I'm thankful it wasn't my error, I can't even explain the emotion that I felt knowing about this error. Without going into details, I will say that I was feeling a little depressed.

I had company coming for dinner and I wanted to call and cancel. Do you think going home, crawling under a blanket on the couch and having a pity party would help? No.

So, instead some family and friends came over. We shared a meal, played with the kids, put the kids to bed early, and then played Mexican Train with the Dominoes. Apparently several of us are really competitive which made for fun game time. I introduced my parents and aunt to some friends and it was fun to see them interact. I hope they all had as much fun as I did.

When I crawled in bed Friday night, I was glad that I had taken time to laugh and have fun even when I didn't feel like it.

On Saturday, we had a wild day too. A couple of extra little kids in my house, baking cookies, friends over to hang out. I felt like I did dishes ALL day long. But, it was fun. Fun to have friends around. I'm so thankful for JB coming over to hang out and be an extra hand with the kids so it would free Ryan up to help out another friend. I'm so thankful for the means to entertain and feed friends. I'm thankful for funny movies that make me laugh constantly throughout the movie. Tyler Perry, your movies, especially Diary of a Mad Black Woman, is hilarious!

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