28 September 2007
Excerpt from Email
Bethany turned 3 months old yesterday. I was too busy to take any pictures of her but hopefully this weekend we can do that. She's making lots of noise and smiling lots. Its a blast. Now last night when she wanted to scream during bible study, that wasn't so much fun. Ryan took her for a few minutes and then gave her back saying she was "broke". I had her quiet until it was over and the snacks were on the counter. Then I pawned her off on Ben who snuggled her up to him and went right to sleep. He was so cute with her.
Had a random dream last night. You and Ben were both in it. Kinda odd. Woke up at 7am, an hour late. The sleep was necessary but I'm feeling like I really need a shower right about now. I only had time to pump, change clothes and get the kids out the door. I didn't even feed Bethany or change her. She went from her crib to her carseat and never really woke up. Poor baby!
Fall is well on its way here. The tree colors are starting to change into the brilliant colors. The air is crisp in the morning and I even wore a sweater. I love it like this. It's hot chocolate and cider weather.
We have new neighbors. Yes, they bought the 40 acres against the highway as you come down our lane. That's all fine and dandy. They brought over their 2 horses yesterday. I'm excited to see horses again as I walk out my front door. And even more excited that I won't have to chore for them. The lady plans on building a small ranch house on the property, real close to us. Not sure why you'd buy in the country to have neighbors so close. I'm praying that she'll be a blessing to us and we'll be a blessing to her.
25 September 2007
Left the kiddos with their grandparents Saturday morning and headed to Cedar Rapids. We flew, without problem (even though we went through O'Harre), to Kansas City where we were picked up in a town car (some call it a Limo) and taken to the downtown Westin. Our room was average but the bed was beautiful! One problem, no fridge/freezer.
Wait, that reminds me, we did have two minor problems at the airport.
1. They took my toothpaste - it was 1 oz. too big for their allowance.
2. Breastmilk can be allowed in larger quantities IF you have the child with you. Now, let's think about this for just a minute... the reason I'll have so much breastmilk is that I don't have my child with me to drink it. Duh. The kind TSA woman explained their rules to me and although I could understand their rules, my reasoning was far more comprehendable.
3. BTW, I think I made such a big deal about the other little things that they didn't notice my 10 oz bottle of Bathnbody lotion that is brand new! Whew!
Anyway, back to my story, we had an hour before meeting in the lobby for supper. So, while I pumped, I had Ryan call the front desk and deal with needing to freeze breast milk. And because I was so hungry I was shaking, Ryan also ordered me room service. Yes, we were meeting in an hour for supper and it would take 30 minutes to get our room service but I was HUNGRY! Fortunately, it took a little longer for the food because I needed that time to press shirts and slacks for dinner. Yes, I was afraid the place would have a dress code so I packed my husband some slacks that he didn't plan on wearing and an undershirt since he grabbed one of my tshirts and not an undershirt. Sure is a good thing that I'm anal and double checked what he packed. I scarfed a few nachos before heading down for supper. Us and one other veterinarian plus her guest were the only one invited for the weekend. We felt truly greatful.
Benton's was located on the 20th floor of our hotel. It was fantastic, but not perfect. The music was a little loud and I was so cold that I'm sure I looked grumpy as I had my arms crossed in front of me. I had filet minon with salmon with a side of fresh asparagus for supper. Before I was freezing, I ordered a virgin daquiri to drink. After the meal, I topped it off with a Twix Turtle cheesecake that was wonderful. I tried to figure out the price of my meal and we guessed it to be $53. Yup, I've never spent that much money on one meal. Well, I didn't on this one either; thanks Bayer!
Sunday morning we had room service. It was your average foods but had a fancy appearance. Our room service bill was $65 for breakfast. I about died. The fees and taxes they add on for room service is crazy! But, it was a good omelet, decent fresh berries and a great muffin that I ate.
After breakfast we met for the game. And, I was a little weary of going. We received a nice travel back pack filled with goodies the night before. One of the items inside was a football jersery. And to our complete surprise, it was a Vikings jersey. Because our sales rep lives in MN, and we live close to the border, it was assumed that we're Vikings fans, hence the jersey. I didn't wear mine to the game. I could really care less about either team but am more likely to wear red than purple (thanks to vanity in my life). The game was a blast. We sat in the end zone, inside an air conditioned suite filled with food and drinks. It was cold inside so I enjoyed a majority of the game in the shade, outside.
After the game, we had another short time before we met up for supper. We did some quick shopping and bought Scott a new pop-up dinosaur book which he absolutely adores. Went to the milk parlor and dealt with that before taking a nice nap. For supper we went to a local BBQ place. The ribs were the favorite. I was the only one who didn't order ribs and thank goodness I didn't because my shrimp was great and Ryan said the ribs were less than desirable. After supper, we made a quick stop at the gift shop for a drink and an ice-cream and put it on our room bill again.
Monday morning we rushed around to get out of the hotel on time, have the home-brewed milk frozen, wrapped and bagged properly so we could get a quick bite to eat. Our quick turned into real quick and we stopped at the dinky little coffee shop that brags about serving St*rbucks coffee. They served me a horrible hot chocolate and I think the bran muffin was banana nut and not bran like I asked for. But we had no time to spare and headed back to the airport.
We arrived in Cedar Rapids, excited to be home and eager to see our kids. I ran outside to get the car while Ryan waited inside for the luggage. I got to the car only to find a completely flat tire. Why does this happen every other time I go to the airport? So, I got out a little air compressor from my trunk (don't know how it got there) and started airing up the tire. Fortunately it held air. I called Ryan and let him know what was taking me so long. My car is getting new tires today (~$200).
We stopped at a few places in town only to be dissapointed. Old N*vy had a horrible supply of children's clothes. I much prefer the one I usually go to. Targ*t only had thin little jackets for boys (and the sign was labeled as a girls coat in the girls section but they were obviously boy coats). It's tradition for us to get a caramel frapp with extra caramel when we leave Targ*t. I had thee worst caramel frapp ever yesterday. It was full of chunky ice that, the rest was watery and it royally sucked. I was so dissapointed.
Anyway, we headed home. I made the quick detour to get my mom a cat (see post from earlier today) and eventually made it to mom's to pick up the kids. Scott didn't care too much that I was there and rather read his farm book. A few minutes later when his dad walked in the door, he crawled off the couch and ran like a crazy thing over to his dad. It was priceless.
A financial recap of our weekend and why we're thankful to Bayer Animal Health:
2 airline tickets $610
VIP ride to the Westin $40
Supper at Benton's $106
2 nights at the Westin $???
Room Service for breakfast $65
2 tickets to the Chiefs game $192
Gate's BBQ supper & Taxi $34
Misc charges to the room $32
Parking at the airport $12.50
2 crappy caramel frapp's $10
2 new Tires on the car $200
Being back home with our kids: PRICELESS
Flat Kaleb
Kitty = Crying Girl
So, we get home and I tell my mom the story. Good thing she didn't hand over the kitty, it would have been the wrong one. Mom wanted the one that looked like a cross between a gray tiger-stripe and a calico. I only remembered her talking about the gray tiger-strip and would've brought home "gandolf" which would have been the wrong one. Whew!
21 September 2007
Extreme Week
- A lot of things get in the way of me spending time reading my bible at home, none of which really seem like extra things to me.
- I do spend a decent amount of time reading other blogs but that is done during my break or lunch so I could cut that out.
- I don't do a great job of taking God and making Him a part of the little things throughout my day (does that make sense?).
- I do love to serve others
It's been a good week of learning for me and I wish I would have spent more time focusing on the activities for it.
18 September 2007
Yay, hubby is on his way home
Unfortunately he's not coming home to a clean house. I was up till 11pm last night piddling in Bethany's room (from the dresser painting project that still isn't quite done). I still need to take the trash out, do a few dishes and put laundry away but I just wasn't motivated enough to get up when my alarm went off at 5am! Hopefully I can at least get home and have time to shower and freshen up, maybe even get the red out of my bloodshot eyes, before he walks in the door.
14 September 2007
Kids had shots yesterday. The appt was originally schedule for Monday but had to be changed because my doc wanted one more day of vacation. So yesterday, I get off work at noon [note: I have zero time off yet since I just started back last week and the pay period ends today meaning I've not acrued any leave till after today], take a half day off to take the kiddos to the doctor. Because they're not in their normal routine, it takes a while to be ready to leave. I rush to D-town, speeding all the way (which I usually don't do) and almost rolled my car into the ditch on a gravel road. Anyway, we arrive safely at the clinic with no time to spare. And the girl at the desk isn't my normal girl which was a bummer in itself. She can't find the appointment and as she searches, the following discussion ensues:
G: Umm, I can't find an appointment for your son, can you spell your name
Me: [spell the name for her], our appointment was originally scheduled for Monday and I had to have it moved to today...
G: Oh, yes, got it. Scott had an appointment at 10:15am, not 2pm.
Me: what?
G: yeah, it shows for 10:15am.
Me: Did I write it down wrong?
G: Well, Dr. R is gone for the day and the other doctor just left to deliver a baby
Me: But, I... I got the time wrong? I just drove 45 minutes to get here, have no time off work...
G: Sorry. I bet if Dr. R was here she'd fit you in...
[note: now the wheels are really turning and my brain is starting to connect the dots]
Me: well I guess I need to reschedule.
G: One of our doctors is gone on maternity leave so everyone is swamped. It will be into October before we can get you back in for both appointments the same day.
Me: [really frustrated and ready to cry now] Okay, fine give me whatever works.
So, it was a rough day. Scott didn't want to leave. He wanted to see Dr. R and cried when he couldn't see her. We got right back in the car which sucked. So, I stopped at the local vet clinic (Ryan is buddies with the owner) to at least show off my kiddos and make the trip worthwhile. Dr. Merill was gone for the day! Go figure. So, I showed Dr. Merrill's new puppy to my son, walked back out the door, got in the car and drove back home. For nothing. Of course on the way home, we got stuck waiting for a super slow train. That wasn't too bad though, I rolled the windows down and my son was taken in by the train and its noises. Unfortunately for the next five minutes after that he whined because he wanted to see the train again. Ugg.
In high school, I went on my first missions trip. It was amazing. Now I had just turned 16 and so my reasoning for going was different than why I'd go today but I still went. And it was amazing to see a 3rd world country right before my eyes. I was so impressed and had such a heart for the people there that I went back - in fact I think I went 7 times. I have tons and tons of memories from those trips but several stick out in my mind. One little boy became my buddy. Jesus (think spanish: hay-zues) was from a large family and his little sister was very quiet and shy and that same year attached herself to my brother. Each year that I went back, I revisited that original church plant location and found my little buddy. He was 13 the last time I saw him and working at the corner store. Many times, I went prior to the rest of the Team to help entertain children while several men worked construction for several days prior to the start of the psuedo vacation bible school that we provided.
In those years, I developed a love of sharing with others in need. That doesn't necessarily mean people in 3rd world countries as we have lots of folks in need within a few miles of where most of us lay our head at night. My heart aches for those in need, those who don't know where their next meal will come from, those who seemingly have no hope. My first year out of college and living in Iowa, I felt this need to do another trip. And at that time, I didn't want to wait for the annual Easter week trip to Mexicali plus I was no longer living in CA. So, I looked around, prayed a lot and eventually found the perfect opportunity. I spent almost 2 weeks (if I remember right) in Nicaragua learning how to teach people to compost and garden. It went very well with my degree in Ag Education and plant science, my career in conservation and my heart for helping others. And since the day I returned from Nicaragua, I've been ready to go again.
Now, I also have a heart for adoption. And I'm not sure where it comes from but I can think of one specific story that might have played a role in the way I think today. One year in Mexicali my little buddy was a sweet little girl. You could tell that her mother worked diligently every morning to bathe and nurture her child before she sent her out for the day. I assume she also wore her best clothes which were quite possibly her only pair of pants. It was warm, in the 80's, and this precious little girl wore bright pink snow bibs every day that week. Anyway as we were preparing for an evening event, this little girl's mom came up to me (I was maybe 21 that year) and asked me to take her daughter home with me and give her a better life. She was sincere and serious as it gets and it broke my heart that a mother would give up her daughter to give her a better life. And that thought brings me to adoption. What a beautiful opportunity to love someone, to give them a future and something to hope for. Its a perfect, real example of how God loves us. I've had a passion for loving others who need some extra love for a long time and I can think of nothing better than to adopt children.
The most amazing thing is that I can put those two passions into one. I could spend time in an orphanage in Africa, Thailand, Korea, Mongolia or wherever else loving those little kids and then ultimately bring one of them into my own family. I think about this all the time. And this week as I've been listening to some podcasts from Cornerstone Church, it has lit a fire under me. Just yesterday I heard a message from a guy who just returned from Zambia. And what amazing things he learned there. I so want to go. So why haven't I? International adoptions cost anywhere from $30k to $50k these days. I don't have that kind of money. Rather than stepping out in faith and taking on that kind of debt load when we have an unknown debt load on the clinic (been waiting 2 years for those numbers), I've opted to let insurance pay for the birth of two children. Grr, I really want to adopt. Why do I write all this? I really don't know. just wanted to share....
12 September 2007
Mocha #2
Chocolate Gravy
11 September 2007
1. My Grandma and Aunt are here and we've reminisced on events and people.
2. I miss my family
3. I missed my aunts funeral last week
4. I remember exactly where I was, what I was doing and the events that followed in my own life after 9/11. Selfishly, they affected me too.
5. I just read Amy's blog about church music and it made me miss the church that raised me when I was needy and needed a second and possibly third set of parents.
I would love to head back to CA for a week and see friends and family; eat a bowl of Chowder in Pismo, smell the fresh fruit on the trees, stare at the monstrous trees in the forest and sip a coffee with Nicole and Paul. Oh, how I'd love to do those things again. But, I'm married to a wondeful man and we share two amazing children. And instead of waiting in line at an airport to sit on a crowded flight and wait for lost luggage, I'll be driving to Dtown with my family to join up with my parents, gma and aunt for a lovely mexican meal. I am so truly blessed!
10 September 2007
Milk Snake

Picture Update
That night, the company that hosted the meeting had a suite at the I Cubs game.


The next morning, I was able to met fellow blogger, Jody, at the Science Center. It was fun to meet Jody although we didn't visit much and Bethany was super fussy with a bottle. The science center was a neat place though and I caught a few pictures.

One night recently I kept my friends' kiddos so they could have a date night. Her two boys are sweet kids but high energy. We spent a fair amount of time playing outside. The neighbor boy came over with his dad. The dad offerred to take one of the boys on the little bike for a ride, it was cute. They played outside so well that we didn't make it inside in enough time to make cookies. B is still waiting to come over and make cookies with me.
Mocha aka Girl pup
Curtains for Puppet Stage
It's been a frustrating and expensive but fun project... I so need to spend time at home folding laundry, mopping, and finish painting Bethany's dresser so she can sleep back in her crib. She's quickly growing out of her bassinet. The kid is 10.5 weeks old and is fitting perfectly into 3-6 month clothes. She's a big girl and although she's not fat, she's putting some meat on those solid bones! On Thursday she has her 2 month check up and shots. Scott has his 2 year well baby and chicken pox vaccination since he missed those at 18 months when I was pregnant and didn't show for immunity to chicken pox (even though I've had them).
to "ME"
07 September 2007
Payment for Mocha
Bethany Slept
My sleep deprivation had caught up with me yesterday. My eyes were bloodshot for the second day and by time we got to bible study I felt like a zombie. We socialized a bit after bible study (and I ate incredibly unhealthy but delicious snacks) and then headed to moms. It was late and Scott was already asleep in his bed. My grandma and aunt were there but grandma had long been asleep. So, we visited for a while with my folks and my aunt who was snuggling Bethany. By time we left, it was almost 11pm and I was in desperate need of heading to the “milking parlor”.
On our way home Bethany fell back asleep in her car seat. Arriving home Ryan asked if I wanted her put to bed. But because I still had to pump and get ready for bed, I asked him to leave her in her car seat and let her sleep. By time I got upstairs, I figured we might as well leave Bethany in her car seat and let her sleep while she’d sleep knowing full well that she’d wake up multiple times during the night. That was at 11pm. And at 6am, Bethany stirred and I woke up. We both had 7 straight hours of sleep and it was glorious. She went right back to sleep and stayed snuggled under the blanket until the very last possible minute.
After my kid slept all night, it was a major rush to get ready this morning and I was so thankful to have some more sleep.
05 September 2007
My Kind of Day
Yesterday I received an email from the area boss letting me know that I'd served my term on the state civil rights committee and was done. Woo hoo! And in reply, I let him know that I'd also fulfilled my term on a quality steering team as of October 1st. But this morning, he called to let me know that he thought I had one more year of civil rights (4 year term, not 3) and that he'd like me to stay on the QST since I've been running it the past 2 years anyway. I like both but a break would have been okay too.
Got an email from hubby today. Our credit card is already sky high this month. He asked me to be extremely thrifty - no eating out, no shopping sprees (good thing I got a new pair of Keen's last Sunday) and no other unnecessary spending. Bummer dude! He'd also called the breeder that Mocha came from to ask what we owe her since she won't be getting the pick of the litter like we agreed to. We haven't heard back from her but we're hoping we can do a payment plan!
The kiddos are growing. I really need to add some pictures and also take some to the office to put on my computer. The next 7 days may be a bit crazy as my gma and aunt are here visiting.
04 September 2007
More quick updates
- My husband was recently asked by an aquaintence to talk to her husband about internet porn. So, while I took her shopping and questioned her faith to see if she knew what she says she believes, Ryan had a friend come over to help facilitate the discussion. It was akward for both of our situations.
- Our small group bible study that started with 6 two years ago is up to 21 and we're splitting up.
- Ryan got me an ipod last month. I have been loving it. It's been my little buddy when I'm washing dishes and folding the laundry when the kiddos are in bed. I'm tempted to buy an armband thingy for it (and a new pair of tennies) and then make myself go running.
- My Grandma and Aunt are coming out on Thursday to visit. They had to blow the surprise to my mom because she was trying to get airline tickets for my other aunt's funeral. I'm super excited to see them.
- I'm bummed that I don't have many pictures of Mocha. You can never take too many pictures, especially with digital cameras.
I'm back!
- Found Mocha dead on the shared driveway last night at 930pm. Someone had hit her and either didn't know it (she's small) or didn't bother to say anything. We haven't "paid" for her yet so I'm a little nervous about calling the breeder to see what kind of cash we can expect to pay. These dogs run an easy $600 which we don't have.
- I cried when I walked up the walk towards my veterinarian husband with MY dead dog.
- My Aunt Mary past away last week. In a matter of 4 days she found out she had cancer, went on life support and was gone. My heart aches for her kids. I wish I could go to CA for the funeral but I don't any time off at this point.
- I just started back to work today.
- Bethany is on bottle #4 and hasn't liked any of them but will finally take one without screaming. I had to drive to a big city to buy them and paid $20 for 4 bottles.
- Scott has been fishing several times lately with Grammy and Papa. He's caught fish both times and has skunked the old folks!
- Junior high youth group starts on Wednesday. I'm excited to be involved with them. We'll be going through a cd series called preparing for adolescence.
- I'm hungry and need to pump.
- I was awake much of the night and up early this morning. I actually have make-up on which has rarely happened this summer.
Better get to work.